Teleportation in China

© Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved J.Branson

A popular video on YouTube provided by ApexTV at has as the number one video starting at 11:35minutes a CCTV video of a truck potentially running over a motorcyclist who is rescued by a teleportation event.  That event is broken down into fractions of a second steps and analyzed herein.

My background is a retired professional engineering manager and developer of Computer Based Expert Control Systems. My first degree was a BS in mechanical engineering and then graduate work in structural engineering.  My first programming was in 1964 and there was always some type of computer wherever I worked.  I owned my first personal computer in 1977 and have had the newest in computers and software ever since.

In the 1990s when computers were finally beginning to have a broad application in engineering departments, major oil companies and huge smelters were anxious to make CGI (Computer Graphical Imaging) models to be used to make training systems for operational and maintenance personnel for key and expensive pieces of machinery. Most people who have never worked in such a department think it is easy to make CGI for about anything.  Far be it from the truth because it takes a team of people to make graphic models that a five year old kid can still tell it is not real. That is because our real world is a huge series of rounding and shortcuts and computer images tend to be very precise or else extremely complex and expensive to make.

People who make video for flight simulators, military war games and entertainment video spend millions trying to make video seem real. Always they are easy to separate from simple camera video of about anything.  And absolutely always a data field investigation of a video can easily show when the data has been manipulated by software like Photoshop. People like Adobe are proud of their software and like to place a signature in the EXIF data which can easily be found.

CCTV cameras, particular in China, have watermarks and date stamp systems to encode the video into the data compression storage and can be certified valid quite easily if checked. The Chinese company Huawei has a good discussion and it is posted at the end of this blog post.

But the Apex TV video examined herein has some much more obvious elements to completely demonstrate that it is real and not hoaxed. A few of these elements are explained below.

The first image is the setup for the truck coming down from top towards center and the motorcycle coming from left towards center where a collision is eminent.  There are three very important areas which might go unnoticed by the casual observer. In the top right lane there is nothing existing.  In the center where the impact would have occurred, there is no discoloration in the pavement.

A CCTV camera has a large distortion factor and that can be seen in the yellow and pink tapering lines.

A special technique one needs to develop is the following:

1.    Get the image set to about 11:35 minutes and paused (parallel mark left bottom corner).

2.   Practice with the right hand index finger on the left mouse button just advancing the video a portion of a second with two close clicks.

3.   You will see things that your eye doesn’t normally catch since your eye only can resolve down to about 1/10th of a second assuming you didn’t blink.

4.   When the image is what you want, hit “Control Print Screen” and do an image dump.

5.   Go to MS Paint or equal and hit “Control V” and the image should appear in the image software.  Crop it to contain just the portion to be analyzed.
In the second image above one can see the motorcyclist and person doing the teleportation event are highlighted.  Just before that image one could see the teleportation light coming in from right to center.  One can see easily if you view it several times that the truck is beginning to swerve like he was going to try to go to his left of the collision location.
This is about a 5 ton truck which whether loaded or not has a fairly long stopping distance but he does clearly get it stopped across the intersection in the lane marks in the bottom.

It is very important to notice all the bright light spots which reflect the teleportation interaction.  One is in the impact area; the second is down the screen from the impact and the third is in the top right where the motorcycle and person reappear.  This all goes by in a flash when observed at normal speeds. It appears the path of the teleportation was forward ahead of the truck and then up and over and down to the street on the corner.
The fourth image shown below is very important and only exists for a fraction of a second.

The motorcycle and rider are facing away from the intersection and the teleportation person is talking to him.  If the motorcycle rider is “one of them” he is not daunted by the event.  If he is not “one of them”, he needs to go home and change his shorts. The rider likely only saw the teleportation person approach from his front and somehow they both landed in the opposite corner of the intersection. It would appear the action of the teleportation person is critical to the success of the event and not a beam from a ship like in Star Trek.
The truck gets stopped in about 100 feet which would be about right for a medium speed controlled street.  But look closely at the manhole area where the impact would have occurred.
Apparently the headlights of the truck shining down on the pavement when the teleportation waves intersect with the truck lights leaves a mark on the pavement, as if it were a special type of wavelength.  Maybe the teleportation waves sucked a little tar
out of the pavement, leaving it a little darker. The teleportation event would have to get every bit of the tires or they would go flat and he couldn’t drive away.
In the image below the motorcycle rider has already kick started his motorcycle and the teleportation person sort of waves at him and then turns and starts to walk away before the video is cut off. There are several important images just prior to this one not shown.

If somebody wanted to do some serious research, it is likely USA police have software than can pick out the license plates on the truck and motorcycle and even though it is 6 years old, probably could be traced down.  However, it is quite likely the truck driver would not want to remember much of anything important and depending who the motorcycle rider actually was, may or may not be cooperative to some investigation.
In looking at quite a few teleportation videos, it seems the majority are with humans, cars or planes that are in motion. All have this similar type of bright light and it appears to come into view and go to brightness in about the same manner. In several videos the teleportation person appears to be a young man dressed in about the same manner, including his shoes.
In modern mankind affairs we send people on missions to underdeveloped countries such as Africa to help them develop faster, more efficiently and for humanitarian reasons.  Aliens that look a lot like us could take on this type of role quite easily. It could be that what is happening is exactly what is intended.  They want to demonstrate, but not show how, matter and energy are related. This might help us “think outside the box” instead of the narrow focus we have now.
Knowhow at ctcweb dot net
Jim Branson
Retired Professional Engineering Manager
© Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved J.Branson
