Teleportation in China © Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved J.Branson A popular video on YouTube provided by ApexTV at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts7nO-pYwuI has as the number one video starting at 11:35minutes a CCTV video of a truck potentially running over a motorcyclist who is rescued by a teleportation event. That event is broken down into fractions of a second steps and analyzed herein. My background is a retired professional engineering manager and developer of Computer Based Expert Control Systems. My first degree was a BS in mechanical engineering and then graduate work in structural engineering. My first programming was in 1964 and there was always some type of computer wherever I worked. I owned my first personal computer in 1977 and have had the newest in computers and software ever since. In the 1990s when computers were finally beginning to have a broad application in engineering departments, major oil companies and huge smelters ...